Friday, December 21, 2007

The unexpected gift

What do you do about the unexpected gift? My boss just gave me a gift card to the movie theater - super nice and handy, since I'm going to see a movie tonight. But frankly speaking, I neither have anything for her nor was planning to get anything. My roommate did that to me last year. We weren't even friends, really, and we just lived together (barely ever spoke) for four months; then she sprang a thoughtful gift on me. That's right - thoughtful! It was coffee, because she knew I liked it. That's a level of consideration I never even approached with her. I think I was mostly usually upset that her and her boyfriend's hair were always clogging up the drain. And that we had mice and roaches. Gifts never even entered my radar. I mean, I don't think Clare and I exchanged gifts, and she was the best roommate ever.

Same with my boss. Never even would have thought it. Not sure if that's just because I'm new to the white collar workforce and don't understand all the politics yet... or if it's because I am a truly inconsiderate and self-involved person. I mean, why did my boyfriend have like 30 people on his Christmas list and I had under 10?

Am I blind to certain people in my life? Do I just fail to see them at all? What else do I fail to see?

I have to admit, this is very disconcerting. The unexpected gift. Really throws me for a loop.

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